October 4, 2018
This episode is a beginner’s guide to self-care. Don’t know what I mean by that term? No worries, that’s the first thing we’ll cover. My friend Marian Schulze returns for a helpful conversation packed with ideas to spark your own practice. So even if you aren’t a beginner, you’re likely to find something helpful in this episode. I’ve even made a free checklist to help you assess your need for a more robust self-care practice. Click here to get the checklist.
Did you know it is your job to meet your needs? Yep, God put that responsibility square in your court. So, how are you doing with that? In this episode, we are kicking off Season 3 of the podcast—a season devoted to equipping you to prepare and care for yourself so you can best handle the hectic months ahead. We are heading into one of the most stressful times of the year for most women.
How different would the next few months be if you had a rock solid understanding of your self-worth and what’s yours to manage and what isn’t? Well, in the six episodes of Season 3, I’m going to show you how to achieve that.
- What is self-care? (Hint: it might not be what you think it is.) [7:31]
- Three essential aspects of self-care. These three are really the foundation of good self-care. [8:53]
- Why a self-care practice needs to be flexible and responsive to what is going on in your life. Get the free checklist to help you assess if you need to put your self-care practice in high gear: 9 Signs You Need to Soup Up Your Self-Care. [10:01]
- Only people with mental or physical health crisis need to practice self-care. WRONG! Find out why YOU need to be intentional about meeting your needs through this practice. [11:40]
- There is a difference between being poured out and being drained. Do you know how to distinguish between the two? Marian and I discuss what to do if you discover you are being drained by an activity, relationship or other facet of your daily life. This can be one of the very best things you can do for yourself and others! [12:51]
- Do you suffer from “savior syndrome”? See if this sounds familiar? 16:40
- The benefits of a consistent and intentional practice of self-care are mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and relational. You are a better mom, boss/employee, wife/girlfriend, volunteer, leader… you’re better at every role you have when you are pouring out from a full cup instead of trying to serve from a drained, empty cup. [17:47]
- Why your family, friends, co-workers (really everyone around you) wish you would do more to care for your needs. If you think taking time to care for yourself is selfish, you need to listen to this section for sure! [20:01]
- Tips and strategies to begin (or ramp up) your self-care practice. Play is time spent without purpose. Find out why adults need to rediscover the power of playing. [22:37]
9 Signs You Need to Soup Up Your Self-Care
You can’t address a problem unless you first identify it. This simple checklist will help you recognize the signs and symptoms of a life with too little self-care. Click here to get your free copy of the checklist!
You might think you’re muddling along just fine and don’t need to make any changes to (or begin) a practice of intentionally meeting your own needs. However, I invite you to scan these nine very commonly occurring problems. You might be surprised to see how many of these you put a check by.
And don’t worry, I’m not going to leave you floundering if you do discover you need to rev up the self care. I’ve got the next step listed right there on the checklist to make sure you get these problems solved!
- Episode 6: Bringing Depression into the Light
- Episode 9: Help! I’m in a Small Group and Can’t Get Out!
- Get on the “Early Interest” list for my Boundaries course, Stay In Your Lane.
- The Mitford Novels by Jan Karon
- #WinningOrLearning If you learn from your setbacks and failures, you grow from it. So don’t beat yourself up, but examine the situation and learn from it.
- If you found what Marian shared today helpful and resonating with you, you will really connect with how she shares her story in more detail on her blog www.MarianSchulze.com.
- 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 which says “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.“
Laura’s Intentional Thoughts
In the podcast I said I would share the thoughts I’m being intentional about thinking right now. So here those are:
- I’m going to hit my goals no matter what.
- I’m the decider of my weight and the use of my time.
- I’ll be proud when I hit my goals.
- I finish what I start.
- I can start with my version of B- and refine and improve with each iteration.
- Done at my B- and helping someone is better than helping no one because my content remains unfinished in pursuit of perfection.
Don’t forget…
- GET YOUR FREE GIFT! Click here to get the free checklist: 9 Signs You Need to Soup Up Your Self-Care!
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