Have you ever wondered, “How do I discover my purpose in life?” If you’re wrestling with that question, you’re in the right place. In this episode I’ll help you gain insight into who you are and whose you are and how that relates to your purpose.
Since your purpose flows from your identity, gaining clarity on who you are puts you a giant leap closer to knowing your purpose. Click the play button above to listen now!
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
Listen to the episode and discover…
- The crucial concept on which you must have clarity before you can truly know why you are here.
- How Christ’s identity determines your identity and why that matters.
- How to get a free audio download series you can use to saturate your mind with the truth about who God declares you to be. (Spoiler Alert: just click here and tell me where to send it!)
- Give me just 5 minutes a day and I’ll equip you to uncover the depth of your abilities, security, qualities, characteristics, and more.
- Radically transform how you experience life and tap into an unshakeable confidence to live authentically and congruent with who you are in Christ.
Get Clarity About Who You Are in Christ So You Can Fulfill Your Purpose
When the reality of who you are in Christ sinks in, it radically transforms how you experience life. Gain the confidence and clarity to live out of this reality so you can live into your God-intended purpose. Let God’s truth about your identity, security, abilities, qualities and characteristics saturate your mind. Click here to request your FREE GIFT!
Don’t forget…
- DOWNLOAD your free gift. Request the “Who You Are in Christ” Scripture meditations and use these brief audio downloads to gain clarity about your identity and confidence to live it out in your daily life. Click here and tell me where to email it to you!
- SHARE the podcast with your friends and on your social media platforms. Share the link to this episode by email, social media posts, or good old fashioned word of mouth!
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- CONNECT with me and your other SoulSpa Sisters. Slip into The Oasis (our private Facebook group) and engage with your SoulSpa Sisters in discussion, share ideas, and give/get some encouragement. Share the results you get from listening to your FREE GIFT. We want to celebrate with you!