how to know Jesus
God loves you.
Learn more about this life-changing love and
how He demonstrated this great love for you through Jesus.
Rebellion breaks Relationship
In the beginning, God created the world and everything in it. Everything God created was good and there was peace and wholeness. God created humans in His image and gave them stewardship over creation. They enjoyed an intimate, unfettered relationship with God. They freely submitted to God’s authority and enjoyed his fellowship.
However, humans rebelled against God and rejected his fellowship. This brokeness and failure to live as God created us to live is known as sin. Sin is rooted in selfishness and this focus on self inevitably led to alienation, not only from God but from one another and the rest of creation. Sin resulted in death because it separated humans from their source of life, a perfect and holy God.

god rescues us
jesus pays our debt & restores the way to God
Sin is a barrier preventing fellowship with God. However, God loves humanity and doesn’t want anyone to perish. Knowing we were powerless to rescue ourselves from this mess of our own making, God Himself provided the means of rescue.
Though one with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, God the Son (Jesus) emptied Himself of his glory and humbled himself by becoming human. He lived the perfectly obedient life we were all created to live. And he died the death we all deserve to die because of our rebellion against God. He offers us His right standing before God by taking our place of alienation. He did this by allowing Himself to be crucified.
God accepted the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf. We know this because He raised Jesus from the dead and restored Jesus to His rightful place in the heavenly realm. And to all who are willing to accept what Jesus did on their behalf, God offers a restored relationship. The Holy Spirit confirms this relationship by dwelling within the heart of those who, by faith, accept the mercy and forgiveness offered through Jesus.
will you accept god’s gift?
It is by God’s grace you are restored. It is by faith that you recieve the restoration.
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,
and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:9 NIV

Believe in Your Heart
Believe that Jesus is God’s Son; He died on the cross to reconcile you with God; God raised Him from the dead to reign as Lord in your heart as the One who saved you from alienation and death.

Declare Your Belief
Speak your belief and ask Jesus to dwell in you as your Lord and Savior. You can speak a prayer aloud or silently and declare your desire to accept the mercy offered through Jesus.
Speak to God and Declare Your Faith
You can express your belief in whatever words or manner feels comfortable to you. If you find it helpful, you can use the following prayer as a model for your own.
“Heavenly Father, I am a sinner who has not lived as you created me to live. I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him from the dead. I am trusting Him as my Savior and want to follow Him as Lord. Help me to love you with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”