discover the real reason you fear saying no
You can be a kind, compassionate and loving Christian without saying yes to every request of your time, attention and money
Does saying “no” to a request leave you feeling selfish, unkind and guilty? Take the first step to a more discerning “no” with this free guide!

You’ll Discover…
More options
Right now yes may feel like your only option. Learn how to preserve no as a viable answer so you can respond with more discernment and become a better steward of your resources.
your current beliefs about saying no
90% of what we think is nonconscious. This guide will help you bring to the surface what you currently believe about saying so so you can decide whether or not to keep thinking it.
the impact on your feelings & actions
The simple, yet powerful exercises will reveal the impact of your thinking on your feelings and actions. Awareness is the first step to changing your experience.

Certified Life Coach

About Your Speaker
I believe God has revealed all we need to know to thrive and enjoy meaningful relationships with Him, others and ourselves.
Unfortunately, too many women get overwhelmed when it comes to actually turning the wisdom found in the pages of Scripture into an actionable solution to their challenges.
I saw that happen over and over during the twenty-plus years I spent teaching Bible studies, including several years as Director of Discipleship at a 4,000 member church.
So, I founded Agape Soul Spa to provide a judgment-free space of unconditional love in which I could coach high-achieving Christian women on how to enjoy soul-satisfying relationships. Here you’ll discover how to renew your mind and revitalize your relationships using cutting edge neuroscience and coaching skills all grounded in the eternal truth of the Bible.
Think of it as a spa for your soul where your makeover really does change your life.
And this free guide is your first step to life-changing results.

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Does saying “no” to a request leave you feeling selfish, unkind and guilty? Take the first step to a more discerning “no” with this free guide!