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Browse the Podcast Episodes For More Ways to Renew Your Mind
Episode 20: Emotional Adulting – Put Your Big Girl Pants on and Get Over Yourself
August 30, 2018 I’m wrapping up Season 2 by sharing a no-holds barred account of my recent trip to a conference in San Diego and my efforts to overcome my fears (of flying, not fitting in) and handle up on my tendency to indulge in some really emotionally immature...
Episode 19: How Busy is Too Busy
Busyness, in and of itself, is neither good nor bad. What activities comprise our busyness and how it impacts us and those around us are key indicators to help answer the question: How busy is too busy? Discover an insightful method of insuring you’ll be equipped to wisely prioritize your activities so you can be productive yet still approachable and available. Free gift: 8 strategies to restore sanity to your schedule.
Episode 18: Empty Nest: Prepare Your Kids to Soar & Yourself to Thrive
August 9, 2018 While the days of parenting are long, the years whip by in the blink of an eye and before we know it we find ourselves preparing for an empty nest. Marci Seither, author of Empty Nest: Strategies to Help Your Kids Take Flight (and mom of six adult...