This 1 Quick & Simple Neuro Hack Helps You Get Better Results
Browse the Podcast Episodes For More Ways to Renew Your Mind
Episode 23: Stop Trying to Be Worthy. You Already Are!
“I’m not worthy.” Does that thought regularly plague you? If so you’re not alone. I hear some version of this voiced nearly daily by my clients, friends, and others. But you can stop worrying about this. You are worthy and it isn’t just me declaring that. Get the Scriptural reason why you can know you are valued and can quit trying to be enough. You already are!
Episode 22: Why You Need to BE Before You DO
Many high achieving people spend way too much time worrying about doing more and more to succeed. We can easily forget to focus on being the kind of person who succeeds. In this episode, my friend Bobby Klinck shares four key attributes of the kind of person who will achieve true and lasting success.
Episode 21: A Beginner’s Guide to Self-Care
Discover why having a regular practice of self-care is so essential to your mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and relational health. This beginner’s guide to self-care will explain what it is, who needs to be practicing self-care, the essential elements of an effective self-care practice and the benefits you and your loved ones can expect when you care for your needs appropriately. Free gift: 9 Signs You Need to Soup Up Your Self-Care Checklist.