This 1 Quick & Simple Neuro Hack Helps You Get Better Results
Want to increase your capacity to handle frustration, negative emotion, and even physical pain?
Want to achieve your goals and change your habits faster and with better results?
The simple neuro hack I share in this video will help! Click here or on the video above to access the video over on the Agape Soul Spa FB page.
Have questions? Pop them in the comments of the video over on the Facebook page.
Browse the Podcast Episodes For More Ways to Renew Your Mind
Episode 29: Love Might Not Be What You Think
What is love? 1 Corinthians 13 provides a description of godly, agape love. You might be surprised to learn exactly what love is.
Episode 28: Want Joy, Even on the Hard Days? Do This!
Advent Week 3: Joy If you ask people what they want in life, most will tell you they just want to be happy. And in our common everyday use of the words happiness and joy, those two are interchangable. They are both words for the experience of pleasure, well-being and...
Episode 27: Are You a Peacekeeper or a Peacemaker?
Do you know the difference between peacekeeping and peacemaking? Once you do, you’ll understand why God calls us to be peacemakers.