Real relationship can only happen when we are authentic with one another. In this episode, we explore three steps you can take to wisely discern how and when to share what with whom.
This process provides perspective to help us check our motives, keep ourselves safe, and allow us to share the comfort we have received from God with others who are walking through troubled times similar to those God has brought us through. (See 2 Corinthians 1:3-4)!
I’ve even made you a handy cheat sheet to remember the elements involved in the three step process. Click here to get your free cheat sheet.
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- Why I’m a huge believer in the power of taking off our “I’ve got it all together” mask and sharing some of our less than perfect moments with others. [1:02]
- Why we must hold the concept of sharing authentically in tension with sharing wisely. It isn’t a case of either be authentic or be safe, it is a matter of finding the appropriate level of sharing that best fits the specific scenario. [1:20; 3:03]
- A simple 3-step process I use to evaluate the risk involved with sharing something of myself with someone else. [10:12]
- Some principles demonstrated by God of wise yet authentic sharing in the story of God responding to Moses’ plea for God to show his face to Moses in Exodus 33:18–34:8. [3:50]
- How Jesus’ Transfiguration demonstrates the importance of choosing wisely with whom we share risky and profound aspects of ourselves. FYI, that story is found in Matthew 17:1-13, Mark 9:2-13, and Luke 9:28-36). [5:12]
- Some helpful questions to ask yourself before opening your mouth or putting yourself in a truly vulnerable position. [11:15]
The FREE infographic will walk you through the 3 steps
I’ve created a handy infographic to help you recall the 3-step process I share in the podcast. This flow chart will help you work through the framework so you can wisely discern the best level of sharing for a particular scenario. When you use this process, you’ll enjoy more authentic and meaningful interactions without incurring reckless risk. Click here to get your copy!
SoulSpa Ah-ha moments:
- The depth of our relationships and the measure of impact we have on others is directly correlated to our willingness to engage others authentically and appropriately. Using the 3-step process will help you make good decisions about when, where, and how you’ll share what with whom. [10:15]
- Being authentic doesn’t mean sharing every intimate detail of our life with anyone and everyone. One can be authentic without being reckless. [2:34]
- Divine self-disclosure is both authentic and discerning. When God reveals himself he does so in ways which are beneficial to the recipients and which are both authentic and appropriately self-limited. [3:43]
- The context in which the sharing takes place has a huge effect on the risk level you incur if you decide to share deeply. The what, when, where and how aspects of sharing impacts the risk to yourself and others. [11:55]
- Setting limits and enforcing healthy boundaries is not only okay but is essential to healthy relationships. [5:50]
Don’t forget…
- DOWNLOAD your free gift. Request “The Art of Self-Disclosure” infographic and use it to navigate an upcoming “to share or not to share” situation. Click here and tell me where to send your cheat sheet.
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