Do you ever find your mind spinning an endless supply of what if scenarios into a worry spiral? This episode will equip you with powerful, biblical strategies to stop the spiral!
After you listen to the episode, take action. Click here to get your free guide to calming your anxious thoughts!
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- I’m a nervous-nelly when it comes to flying. I share about the the trip that could have been a disastrous, panic-attack-inducing ride due to non-stop turbulence, but became a breakthrough triumph over my tendency to wind myself up with imagined worst-case what if possibilities.
- Hear about what transformed the potential 2+ hour worry spiral into a productive and worship-filled flight.
- Listen and find out how I applied a verse in Philippians (Philippians 4:8) coupled with some important boundary-setting principles I’ve learned over the years to turn my panic into peace.
Need to stop a what-if worry spiral?
Use these 5 Strategies to Calm Anxious Thoughts.
This free step-by-step guide, will walk you through each simple strategy so you can adapt each one to your unique situation. Coupled with the coaching emails that help expand on what you’ll discover in the podcast and in the guide, you’ll be putting these tactics into practice and calming the anxious thoughts that suck the joy out of your day-to-day life! Click here to request your copy now.
SoulSpa Ah-ha moments:
- God has given us dominion over our thoughts, attitudes and desires. I control those, they don’t control me.
- God is Lord of heaven and earth. What is true about Him, me, and creation when I’m at sea level remains true at 35,000 feet.
- I can trust Him to be present in whatever circumstances I face each day and so can you!
- How often do we relate to God based on whether or not He is doing what we want Him to? The breakthrough occurred when I chose to love God because of who He is rather than whether or not He was giving me the smooth, fear-free ride I wanted.
Links & Resources Mentioned:
- DOWNLOAD the 5 Strategies to Calm Anxious Thoughts free gift.
- SUBSCRIBE to the podcast and get new episodes delivered to your device(s) each Thursday morning.
- RATE the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher to help other women find this resource. I’ve even made a step-by-step tutorial that walks you through how to rate & review the podcast. Just click the blue text at the beginning of this bullet point to access the tutorial.
- Leave a REVIEW and let others know what benefits you got from listening.
- CONNECT with me and your other SoulSpa Sisters in The Oasis (our private Facebook Group). Introduce yourself, tell us what occupies the majority of your time/attention these days, and feel free to ask a question or make a suggestion about what you’d like to hear on the podcast.