B-SMART and set some life-changing goals with this proven process. Fitness instructor Melody Lusk joins me for the follow-up to Episode 3. Learn my twist on the traditional SMART goals framework and power up your goal-setting by tapping into God’s calling. Grab the Planning Page and you’ll have your own step-by-step framework to B-SMART with your goals.
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- Melody’s experience with the power of SMART goals began as a child. Find out how the coaches in her life introduced her to the concept and why it still pays dividends today in setting her running goals. [1:28]
- My twist on the traditional SMART goal framework. This step is essential to making sure you are in line with God’s plans for you rather than asking God to get on board with your plans. [4:03]
- What the B-SMART acronym stands for and how each step works together to create powerful, action-oriented motivation to achieve your desired outcome. [4:24]
- How to know if you’re hearing God’s voice or your own when setting goals. [7:25]
- The importance of anchoring your belief in yourself and your ability to take action toward accomplishing your goal in something beyond yourself (#SpoilerAlert: God’s Word). [8:40 and 11:40]
- Why vague goals are not going to give you the motivation you need to push outside your comfort zone and achieve the kind of life-changing results you long for. [12:35]
- What is your finish line and how will you know you’ve crossed it? This is where having the ability to measure your progress and completion is essential and helps us avoid slip-ups and drifting. [15:00]
- Determining bite-size, baby-step action steps make a big goal achievable and avoid overwhelm. [17:00]
- Melody’s confession of a list-making planner personality. Can you relate? [18:??]
- Why having a specific time period or deadline in which your goal will be achieved is like lighter-fluid to your spark of want to. [25:18]
- Simple hacks for how to keep your B-SMART goals top-of-mind! [ 29:00]
- Laura’s confession regarding her “Bad Mommy Alarm”. [30:00]
Get extra tips, examples, and insights into crafting a B-SMART Goal that will stretch, excite, and motivate you. Just click here and let me know where I should send your free gift.
SoulSpa Ah-ha moments:
- God calls us outside of our comfort-zone; starting the process by getting still and listening for God’s direction, insures that we are setting the right SMART goals. [5:44]
- Tap into God’s plans, which are more than you can begin to ask or imagine, and fuel your flicker of want to into an inferno of motivation. (See Ephesians 3:20-21) And He knows the good works He has prepared in advance for us to do. (see Ephesians 2:10) [6:28 and 12:02]
- Examples of some easy ways to measure your progress. [16:00]
- Affirmations and meditations can help you believe you can achieve your goals. Repeat truth from God’s Word about “Who You Are In Christ” (Grab the free audio meditation series I mentioned in the podcast.) [8:54]
- “Most dreams die on the tyranny of how. The how will show up when you get clear on what you want. Focus first on what you want without regard to how you will make it happen.”—Michael Hyatt
- Take small, consistent actions and those add up to achieving some amazing outcomes. [22:00]
- Recognize where God has you right now and your goals need to be aligned with your current season. [23:00]
- God will usually call us out of our comfort-zone but not typically out of the reality-zone. A good goal will push you but not be so outlandish that it isn’t rational. [24:18]
- The simple ABC/123 hack that will have you going after big, audacious goals and feeling confident (though maybe a bit uncomfortable) that you’ll get to the finish line. [27:00]
Don’t forget…
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