April 12, 2018
Fit4Mom fitness instructor Melody Lusk’s encouraging words, practical tips, and simple strategies on the topic of faith, fitness and food will help you fan your little spark of want to into a blazing flame of effective motivation so you can achieve real results.
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- If your struggle is more than what you put in your mouth… and more about why you’re putting something in your mouth, this episode will help you discover simple strategies to connect more deeply with your “want to” around the topics of faith, fitness and food.
- You’re not alone. Lots of us struggle in this area. [4:56] Learn why finding your like-minded tribe can be a crucial element in achieving long-lasting results. [12:31]
- Even Paul struggled to get his actions to align with his desire. “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” (Romans 7:15, NIV) And like Paul we can say, “Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:25, NIV) [4:56]
- What helps when we aren’t on the mountain top of motivation? How to use your strengths in one area to bolster your progress in your weaker areas and ride out the ebbs and flows of your motivation and enthusiasm. [10:32]
discover how to finally get the result you want
The tips and strategies in the podcast may be enough to get you the results you want. But if you find you are still struggling to move from knowing what you want to do but not actually able to follow through, there is a disconnect in your thinking. Use The Self-Coaching Model to uncover the root cause preventing you from following through on your want to.
Using this step-by-step guide, you can uncover the connection between your thoughts, feelings, and actions so you can finally get the outcome you long for! Click here and I’ll email you this detailed guide right away.
SoulSpa Ah-ha moments:
- If you’re asking the question my listener asked, you’ve clearly got a spark of “want to”. Use Melody’s tips, strategies and encouragement to fan the spark into a full-fledge flame! [5:10]
- Faith can play an important role in helping us with fitness and food choices. Weaving faith into our day can strengthen our resolve in the other areas. Simple and frequent prayer gives you the boost of Spirit power you need when the winds of life threaten to extinguish your flame of want to. [5:55] Look for “God winks” in your daily moments. [12:08]
- Strategies for taming temptations and maximizing motivation. [6:59]
- Why you need to quit depriving yourself of things you love and what to do instead without wrecking your progress. [9:52]
- Why setting a teeny-tiny goal might be a better motivator for you than setting a grandioso goal. Plus a few ideas of what to do with your goal once you’ve set it to boost your chances of achieving your goal. [14:58]
Links & Resources Mentioned:
- Connect with Melody on Instagram @fitmamawinginglife or her Facebook group Fit Mama Winging Life.
- Interested in Fit4Mom? Here is the national website: https://fit4mom.com/. And this is the Austin website which is where you will find Melody’s group: www.austin.fit4mom.com
- Episode 4: B-SMART and Achieve Your Dreams. This mini master class will help you learn to set SMART goals with a faith-filled twist.
Don’t forget…
- GET THE SELF-COACHING MODEL WORKBOOK and learn how to uncover the thoughts that are keeping you stuck and replace them with new ones that will actually get you the results you long for! Click here to get your free copy.
- SHARE the podcast with your friends and on your social media platforms. Share the link to this episode by email, social media posts, or good old fashioned word of mouth!
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