Welcome to Season 4 of the Podcast!
This short 4-episode season is devoted to exploring the traditional themes of Advent. But the concepts will be applicable year-round.
Each episode will explore one of the four traditional Advent themes:
- Hope
- Peace
- Joy
- Love
I think it is so fitting the Advent season begins with the theme of hope. Hope is such a forward-focused mindset. As we prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of Christ, hope is central to that preparation.
In This Episode
In this episode, we will explore the difference between biblical hope and our more modern, worldly use of the word hope. [1:27] We will look at how God’s Word gives us hope [2:23] and how the Holy Spirit guarantees our hope is not in vain. [3:38]
We’ll also explore how we respond to God’s faithfulness and the results of our response. [5:09]
Practical Application of a Future-Focused Hope
And then we’re going to get very practical. [6:16] We will contrast the benefits of living with a future orientation with the consequences of a past-focused penchant.
I’ll show you how living with a future focus helps us get unstuck and show up in big, bold, confident ways in our present. [7:09]
Are you are living from a future-focused mindset or a past focused mindset? [9:10] Learn what types of thoughts to watch out for to avoid making the hope killing mistake of being past focused.
You can get stuck in your past and define yourself by your failures and mistakes. Or, you can you harvest crucial lessons that become a springboard to future success. How you look at your past makes all the difference in whether you will flounder or flourish. [10:18]
I share how this concept of looking back with a future-focused hope is evident throughout Scripture. We’ll look at the specific example of how the prophets demonstrate this. [12:05]
God is relentless when it comes to fulfilling his plan, promises and purpose [13:54] He is outcome focused rather than circumstance focused. Learn how you can adopt this same approach.
What are Your Desired Life Outcomes?
Much of our frustration, depression, and anxiety stems from a lack of clarity and action relative to our desired life outcomes.
Here are the questions I pose to you in this portion of the podcast. I encourage you to spend some time reflecting on and answering these questions. [14:36]
- Do you know what you want to accomplish or experience in your lifetime?
- What outcomes are you working toward?
- Can you identify your top 5 desired outcomes?
- How much of your day (or week or month) do you devote to advancing your outcomes?
- Are you showing up each day with intention to bring those outcomes to reality?
- Can you learn from your past and not getting stuck in it?
- How are you putting your faith and confidence in God to equip you and guide you?
- Are you relentless in working toward achieving your goals?
I’d love to hear from you about what ah-ha moments you have and how you apply this to your life.
Or, click here to schedule a time we can chat for a few minutes by phone.
Or click here and leave me a comment or direct message via Facebook.
What I Discovered When I Did This Exercise [15:40]
- I identified (and share with you in the podcast) my five most important outcomes I want to achieve during my lifetime.
- I realized how haphazard my efforts were when it comes to intentionally pursuing these results. (Listen to hear what I was doing instead and what I did to become more purposeful about how I spend my mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical energy.)
- When we allow the urgent and busy work to crowd out time for the important, we will feel frustrated, unproductive, and unfulfilled. (Tune in and hear what fears I uncovered when I worked with my coach to examine why I wasn’t pursuing my desired outcomes with more intention.)
What’s On the Horizon for 2019
80% of New Year’s Resolutions fail by mid-February.
Here’s how to make sure yours isn’t one of them.
- Tune in to Season 5 of the podcast in which I’ll be sharing tools, strategies and self-coaching concepts that will make sure your goals get accomplished in 2019.
- Click here to confidentially share what you will be working on, where you think you might get stuck, and what you most want help with. I’ll use the responses shared to help me plan the topics for Season 5.
Stay in Your Lane
My soon to release course will be your roadmap to more confidence, smarter decisions, and more satisfying relationships.
This course is for you if you:
- struggle to get the word no out—even when you know you really want and need to say it.
- regularly feel used, manipulated or resentful but don’t know how to get a different result.
- want to help out everyone who needs help, but end up overcommitting and dropping the ball on your own responsibilities.
- constantly second guess yourself and fret over whether you made the right decision, said the right thing, or did enough.
- desperately need more margin in your jam-packed schedule.
If any of those challenges resonate with you, this course is going to change your life and help you show up as your best self.
Click here to get notified when the course opens for registration.
Possible Facebook Bible Study - Are You In?
One of the activities I’m considering adding is a very laid back Bible study inside our private Facebook group each Wednesday. You can watch and comment any time that works for you.
Since January is a time of new beginnings, I think it is the perfect time to study the book of beginnings: Genesis.
Each week I’ll post a brief In the Word Wednesday video sharing what I learned in my study of the particular chapter in focus. Then you and the other SoulSpa Sisters will share your insights, observations and questions in the comments. I will respond in the comments or jump on a FB live later in the week to answer questions.
So, what do you think? Is that something you’d be interested in? Pop into the group and let me know by voting in the poll I’ve set up there. Or, click here to share your feedback in the Google form I set up.
Coach’s Corner: Personal and Relational Growth Segments
I’ve been experiencing mind-blowing results from implementing the concepts, tools, and strategies I’ve been learning during my life coach certification. I’m seeing my one-on-one coaching clients get amazing results, too.
I know if I teach these to you you can get stellar results self-coaching. So I’m planning to begin posting a short (2-5 min) video each week in our FB group. I’ll teach a concept, tool, or skill each week and then field questions about anything you want to ask me.
Those will probably be live streams, at least most of the time. So we can interact if you are able to join me live. Of course if you can’t catch the live broadcast, you can always watch the replay and interact with me by leaving a comment.
What do you think? Would you find that helpful? Would you participate regularly?
Click here to leave your feedback in the Google form I set up.
Or, click here to schedule a time we can chat for a few minutes by phone.
- But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
- And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
- Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
- For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Ephesians 2:10
My Advent Prayer for You
[37:05] So as you embark on your Advent journey, and begin to plan for 2019, I pray over you the words Paul wrote in Romans 15:13: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”