This episode builds on the concept we explore in the previous episode. Many of us spend way too much time worrying about doing more and more feel like we are enough. Almost daily I hear someone say some version of, “I’m struggling with my self-worth”. I’d say this issue is voiced more than any other struggle women have. In fact, I believe it’s at the root of many of our challenges with stress, depression and anxiety. And this struggle with our sense of self-worth can really flare up during the holiday season. So let’s get this question of whether or not we are worthy settled once and for all!
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- The trap we fall into when we don’t have an accurate understanding of our worth. [1:28]
- I use a shopping analogy to clarify what I mean by we can’t really determine our own worth. Our “self-worth” is actually just a reflection of whoever or whatever we look to to define our worth. Who or what are you looking to when seeking an answer to the question, “Am I worthy? Am I enough?”[3:35]
- The real reason our self-worth seems to vacillate all over the place and the secret to developing a rock solid, unshakeable understanding that you are totally worth no matter what you do, look like, earn, or any of the other bajillion other measurements we tend to use to define our value. [6:15]
- Does missing the mark of perfectly living out our lives change the value God place on us? You might be surprise how much Adam and Eve have to teach us about our value in the eyes of God—even when we totally mess up!
- Paul also throws in his two cents on this topic. We’ll look at Romans 5:6-8 as well as Philippians 2:6-10 to see how deeply valued and worthy God says we are to Him. [13:12]
- What we are actually doing when we indulge in the wrong-headed thinking that we are not worthy, not good enough, or just not enough. The Apostle John wrote about this in his Gospel. I break down John 3:16-21 to help you see the light. [15:45]
- Whether or not we accept God’s valuation of us radically changes our experience of being valued (or not). Discover what happens when you agree with God’s declaration of your value. [20:45]
- Why it is good news that there is absolutely nothing you can do to make yourself more worthy in the eyes of God. [21:13]
FREE Scripture Meditations Audio Downloads
I’ve created a 5-part series of brief audio meditations on key Scripture passages that speak to who Christ is and who you are in Him. Fill your mind with the truth of how deeply valued and loved you are as a child of God. Click here to let me know where to send your audio downloads.
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