October 11, 2018
Many high achieving people spend way too much time worrying about doing more and more to succeed. We can easily forget to focus on being the kind of person who succeeds. In this episode, my friend Bobby Klinck shares four key attributes of the kind of person who will achieve true and lasting success.
In keeping with our theme of preparing ourselves for the holiday season, I invite you to reflect on what kind of season you want to experience. Now, what kind of person would you need to be to live out that ideal experience? I bet the four keys Bobby shares will help you with that.
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- One little question from Bobby’s coach led this Harvard educated lawyer to leave a successful, but miserable, 10-year career as a litigator. Find out what that life-changing question was. Maybe you should see what happens when you ask yourself this question. [4:21]
- A New Year’s Eve sermon from Bobby’s pastor also created a turning point for Bobby. This sermon radically changed how Bobby showed up in both his business and his life. Discover the topic of the sermon and how Bobby ended up embodying the concept over the next year. [7:55]
- When you make the change from doing to being, real change occurs at a much deeper, lasting level. [10:48]
- Bobby came to realize that four key attributes of being have had a massive impact on the success of both his business and his life. He went from a miserable lawyer and struggling entrepreneur to a deeply satisfied and successful business owner with a great family life, too. [12:24]
- Being a giver is the first key attribute. Find out the two ways people think they are being a giver but really aren’t. And learn why Bobby’s business struggled whenever he moved away from being a giver in his business. [9:25]
- Being humble is the second key attribute that leads to being a success. What does being humble have to do with succeeding. Bobby traces his pivot from being a miserable litigator to a happy entrepreneur to his willingness to be coached. He shares why he thinks having the humility to listen and be coachable is crucial to succeeding in both business and life. [12:48]
- Being intentional is not always easy. Both Bobby and I discuss how we struggle in this are. Bobby shares some of his “learned the hard way” wisdom that now motivates him to overcome his natural tendency to leap into action and instead take time to be strategic with his actions. [14:28]
- Bobby shares a bonus attribute and a great quote from General Patton which will help those of us who struggle with perfectionism. [16:03]
- Being committed is the key attribute that will make sure you allow the other attributes to bear fruit. Bobby shares how a fictional American president’s speech in a movie is a great illustration of why this attribute will keep you from giving up when the journey toward success gets hard and messy. [17:40]
- Why these 4 attributes of BEING will produce success in both life and in business. Whether its parenting, marriage, or any other facet of life, when you focus on being before doing you have a much better chance of lasting and meaningful success. You’ll also hear why Laura thinks this mindset shift is critical for those who run themselves ragged doing more and more to derive a sense of self-worth from what they do. [21:13]
Links & Resources Mentioned In This Episode
- Learn the legal basics for protecting your business at YourOnlineGenius.com.
- Connect with Bobby on social media (Facebook/YourOnlineGenius, Twitter @BobbyKlinck, LinkedIn: Robert Klinck, and on Instagram @YourOnlineGenius)
- If you’d like to hear Bobby’s podcast on this topic, check out Episode 46 of the Online Genius Podcast.
- The book Bobby and I mentioned is Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy.
Want to Begin Your Own Transformation?
Like Bobby, your pivot could be one question away. I’d love to coach you to the transformation you most want to achieve in your life (even if you’re not yet aware of exactly what that is yet). New clients get the first session free, so you have nothing to lose. Click here to learn more about coaching with me!
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