August 30, 2018
I’m wrapping up Season 2 by sharing a no-holds barred account of my recent trip to a conference in San Diego and my efforts to overcome my fears (of flying, not fitting in) and handle up on my tendency to indulge in some really emotionally immature thinking around following my nutrition protocol. Prepare for some true confessions, knowledge bombs, and an opportunity for YOU to put on your big girl pants, get over yourself, and do some #EmotionalAdulting in whatever areas of your life are bringing out the whiny, temper-tantrum throwing emotional toddler within.😉
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- What I hope The Oasis, our Agape SoulSpa private facebook page, will grow up to become. [4:26]
- Find out what fears and insecurities almost kept me from a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to grow personally and professionally. I share the mindset change that helped me not miss out on this inspiring conference and meeting so many amazing people (shout out to Crew 22! - photo below). [7:05]

- What is #adulting? (well, it’s not what we were doing when we took that silly group photo above) But, I give you a definition in the podcast and explain why I added the adjective “emotional” to it for the purposes of this episode. I’m highlighting my big ah-ha moments around what emotional adulting looked like for me in this particular situation. [8:02]
- Get the scoop on where I learned these new skills that helped me get mind-blowing results so you can learn them, too. [9:30]
- How does flying on an airplane connect with my experience of giving birth to my youngest son via hypno-birthing? Listen to this portion of the podcast to find out. [11:06]
- You’ll hear the announcement our pilot made that almost sent me into a panic attack and what I did to regroup and go back to flying fear-free (well nearly fear-free).[12:46]
- Sticking to my no flour/no sugar nutrition protocol when pastries, cookies, pasta, and other temptations are everywhere is challenging. What’s a girl to do? I tell you, and I confess my cookie slip up and what I learned from it and how I avoided the cookie table the next day. [15:10]
- My new favorite podcast, The Bible Binge, is hilarious!!! On the plane ride home, I listened to several episodes of this show featuring my new friend and fellow Crew 22 table mate, Jamie Golden. The people around me probably thought I was a crazy person because I giggled the whole two and a half hours. [18:36]
- I also share with you the empowering thought my coach, Aimee Gianni, helped me craft to keep me on track nutritionally. This one thought equipped me to pass up the most beautiful and alluring stack of pancakes I’ve ever seen when Crew 22 went to Sunday brunch. [19:50]
- Check out my impression of the voice you’ll hear in your head when you are NOT emotional adulting! [20:47]
- My efforts at #EmotionalAdulting almost went out the window when I got on the scale the morning after I returned home. 😧 If you’ve ever dieted, you’ll likely relate to this one! But I caught myself and stopped the brewing tantrum. Find out how when you listen to this portion of the podcast. [21:11]
- This introvert had to interact with 400 strangers who I was seriously intimidated by. Discover what helped me get over myself and not only have a blast but also learn and grow more than I ever imagined. [23:08]
- Get a quick summary of the strategies and actions that helped me stay in my emotional adult and overcome my fears and take action to grow and learn and how you can use these same tools to put on your big girl pants, take responsibility for your thoughts, and handle up on your fears so you can have the unique impact on the world God created you to have. [28:05]
Links and Resources:
- The Bible Binge and The Popcast with Jamie Golden and Knox McCoy……
- The Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo (Episodes 1, 8 and 25 feature tools I used on this trip).
- Amiee Gianni, my weightloss and autoimmune coach.
- agapesoulspa.com/boundaries
- agapesoulspa.com/coaching
This course is for you if:
- You regularly feel trampled on by other people.
- You experience chronic bouts of resentment and frustration with the people around you.
- You regularly suppress expressing your true thoughts, feelings, beliefs, or desires because you are concerned about what people might think.
- You ever hide behind a facade because you fear getting rejected if you share your authentic self.
- You regularly take on too much because you just want to help people and you can’t seem to strike a balance between meeting your needs and theirs.
If any of these situations resonate with you, get on the waiting list right now.
Once you’re on the list, I’ll make sure you are the first to know when registration opens. You’ll want the heads up because I’m going to offer a special version of the course with very limited enrollment which will feature one-one-one coaching and some other special benefits.
I’ll teach you how to gracefully set limits, know what God has given you responsibility for (and what he hasn’t), and give you practical, non-guilt-inducing skills for living with more joy, peace, and healthier, more fulfilling relationships.
So sign up now by clicking this link: agapesoulspa.com/boundaries.
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- CONNECT with me and your other SoulSpa Sisters. Slip into The Oasis (our private Facebook group) and engage with your SoulSpa Sisters in discussion, share ideas, and give/get some encouragement.