If you ever find it hard to hear God or truly experience His presence with you in the midst of your fast-paced, jam-packed day-to-day activities, you’re going to LOVE today’s episode. I’ll share a simple framework I’ve used for the past few years to help me connect with Jesus throughout my busy day. You can use these strategies, too! No major schedule makeover required!
You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to naturally and easily incorporate prayer, worship, and Scripture into the activities you do every single day. These four tactics offer an endless array of options, limited only by your imagination. So no matter what your style, season of life, budget, or technical proficiency, you can do this!
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- If you ever feel like God is not as near and easy to hear from as you would like, you may have fallen into the the compartmentalization trap. I’ll share how to get out of it (and avoid getting stuck there again).
- Why I should be stressed out beyond belief right not and why I’m not. [2:45]
- Four simple tactics which offer an endless array of options, limited only by your imagination. So no matter what your style, season of life, budget, or technical proficiency, you can do this! [06:04]
- How I used to start my day and the negative impact it had on me. And what I do now which radically improved my attitude and peace of mind. (#spoileralert: it is NOT “quiet time”)[7:52]
- Podcasts and apps that will help you draw closer to Jesus (Hint: you’ll want to download the free gift for a detailed list and links).
- One of my big regrets related to my parenting and what I’d do differently now.
This FREE GIFT will help you apply the 4 strategies
I’ve created a handy checklist to help you implement the tips and ideas I share in the podcast. This cheat sheet will help you customize the framework to seamlessly work with YOUR daily activities and put your ideas into action so you can begin reaping the benefits of abiding more closely with Christ. Benefits like more peace and contentment, even when chaos swirls all around you. I’ve even included links to my favorite apps and podcasts, and other resources in this free gift. Click here to get your copy.
SoulSpa Ah-ha moments:
- The benefits of integrating our relationship with God into our daily activities are far-reaching and produce more peace, confidence, and joy.
- Strategy #1 can help even a “squirrel-girl” like me manage to connect meaningfully with God before the crazy distractions of the day begin their assault. [9:31]
- When you apply strategy #2 you’ll turn your car into a mobile worship, study, and prayer place.
- Whether you implement strategy #3 on your own or with a buddy, it will rev up your workout time so you can build spiritual fitness while you build physical fitness.
- Strategy #4 will benefit your whole family (and will involve minimal eye-rolling from the teenagers).
Don’t forget…
- CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE GIFT! I’ve made this cheat sheet to help you take what you learned from the podcast to the next level!
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