August 17, 2018
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- Being busy is not in itself a bad thing—if we manage it right. Discover a mindset about your busyness that can be damaging to your relationships and how you might come across to others when venting about your jam-packed schedule. [4:50]
- Some of our stress is self-induced when we have unrealistic expectations for ourselves or activities on our to-do list because we want to look good (or not look bad) in the eyes of others. Find out how to reduce this form of busyness and experience more peace. [7:01]
- Have you ever considered the benefits of “tithing your time”—giving God a portion of the first part of your day? Melissa shares the miracles she has experienced when she began practicing this discipline of “tithing her time”. [8:58]
- Melissa’s method for gaining wisdom, perspective and clarity about her priorities. This is so simple and easily adapted to anyone’s schedule. I’ve even got a freebie to help you give it a try. If you want to reap the benefits Melissa is experiencing such as getting more of her important stuff done, sleeping more (and better) and feeling less frazzled, give this little experiment a try. [10:30]
- You’ll get better results and enjoy your time with God better if you honor how He created you. Don’t try to force yourself into a routine that goes against how you best are able to engage with God. But also don’t use this as an excuse to do nothing. Find a way to marry your uniqueness and the concept of giving God your first and best.[14:53]
- Prioritizing is the key to allocating our 24 hours in a way that glorifies God, serves others, and fulfills you. Discover how God can show you how to prioritize what we fill those 24 hours with. [18:38]
- If you don’t have time to read the Bible and other books, read the Bible. Find out why reading what other people have learned from studying the Bible is a lot like processed, fast-food. Want real spiritual nourishment? Take time to go straight to the source and let God fill you with His Word. [19:39]
- You don’t have to be a Bible scholar…the Holy Spirit will be your very best teacher! Laura and Melissa shares tips on how to approach reading your Bible if you don’t feel real confident studying on your own. [21:00]
- Melissa shares a counter-intuitive thought about how being busy can make us even more effective (if we are doing busy in the right way). [22:40]
- Can you be fully present in the moment? Or is your focus constantly being pulled in a million different directions? This one little observation can serve as a litmus test to help you discern how busy is too busy. [24:09]
Too Busy? Try these 8 Strategies to Restore Sanity to Your Schedule
If you realize you are too busy and you need to handle up on your busyness, then grab this free gift and learn eight proven strategies to help you be more intentional about your activity. Each strategy is grounded in a passage of Scripture (that’s where true wisdom is found, right?).
Each section offers some questions and/or ideas to help you honest assess and make changes to your out of control schedule.
No shame, no beating yourself up. The goal is awareness and taking proactive steps to become less busy and more effective, impactful, and fulfilled.
Request your copy by clicking here or the button below and I’ll email it to you right away!
Links and Resources:
I mentioned a Youtube clip of Downton Abbey “What is a weekend?” Here it is…
Need Help Getting Your Schedule Under Control?
Did this episode resonate with you because:
- you feel pulled in too many different directions?
- you’re consistently dropping important balls?
- You take on things, not because they matter, but because you want to be in control or gain the approval of others?
- you’re irritable, unavailable and frazzled with the important people in your life?
- You are not regularly filling your own cup?
Then get on the list to learn more about my upcoming course, Experience the Life-Changing Freedom of Healthy Boundaries. I’ll teach you how to quickly master the skill of boundary-setting so you can ditch your approval addiction, tame your inner-control freak, and let your authentic self shine without feeling guilty, mean or unloving.
Boundary problems come in all shapes and sizes but the common thread is a lack of understanding what is my business versus what is the business of others and what is solely God’s business. Gaining clarity about where the lines of responsibility are helps us prioritize with wisdom and clarity and live with more peace and effectiveness.
Spots in certain levels of the course will be very limited. So if you’d like to learn more and be the first to know when registration opens, click here or the button on the image below and get on the list.
Don’t forget…
- DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE GIFT! Get your free checklist with 8 strategies to help you restore sanity to your schedule by clicking here.
- SHARE the podcast with your friends and on your social media platforms. Share the link to this episode by email, social media posts, or good old fashioned word of mouth!
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- CONNECT with me and your other SoulSpa Sisters. Slip into The Oasis (our private Facebook group) and engage with your SoulSpa Sisters in discussion, share ideas, and give/get some encouragement.