August 9, 2018
While the days of parenting are long, the years whip by in the blink of an eye and before we know it we find ourselves preparing for an empty nest. Marci Seither, author of Empty Nest: Strategies to Help Your Kids Take Flight (and mom of six adult children) provides spiritual and practical perspective on how to prepare our kids to soar and ourselves to thrive through the nest emptying season. Be sure to get the free sample from Marci’s book.
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- Why you must fully embrace the season you are currently in while also preparing for the next one. And learn what happens if we fail to prepare adequately for the next season. [4:37]
- When you press into the plan God has for you apart from your role as mom, you open up new opportunities for God to refine you and help you fully develop. Hear Marci’s advice on how to lean in to God and discern what God would have you do with the freed-up time you currently spend parenting your kids. [5:52]
- It’s hard to watch our kids struggle, but Marci shares the crucial reason why we need to resist the urge to rescue our kids and make things too easy for them. If you tend to run to the rescue quickly, this part of the interview is for you! [8:29]
- What Marci, mom of six, did to help her adjust and gain a new perspective on the empty places at her dinner table. [11:24]
- Find out what can happen if we seek our value from another person or expect another person to meet our needs. This part is crucial for preparing your marriage for this empty nest season.[12:32]
- Find out what Marci said when I asked her, “What do you wish a friend had clued you in on about getting yourself and your kids ready?” [14:17]
- Marci shares a couple of her most essential self-care strategies that helped her keep perspective, cope with the roller coaster emotions, and adjust to her new normal as she launched her six kids. [16:34]
- Why it’s super-important not to expect every day to be a Mary Poppins supercalifragilistikexpialidocious day and how to navigate the emotional days. [16:56]
- Marci makes an important distinction between joy and happiness and shares her story of how this clarification helped her support her son when he decided to pursue being a special ops Marine. [18:46]
- Some tears are shed because we are going to miss the child. But in the case where there is a lot of tension with the child and stress associated with the child, tears are shed because we know that we aren’t going to miss them. Discover how Marci handled this tough situation. [20:43]
- Learn the special considerations moms need to take into account when dealing with our sons who one minute want to be men and the next want you cutting their sandwich into triangles. There is real tension created as the boys begin to pull away from mom. [20:47]
- Ideas for how you can explore your gifts and talents or discover a new hobby. When you prepare yourself for the empty nest season you’re not going to have to worry about how to fill those hours you used to spend with your kids. [24:26]
- Why it is so important for you to find sister in Christ who really gets what you’re going through. By the way, because many different paths are covered in Marci’s book, it can help you better understand your sisters who might be walking a path a bit different from yours. [27:07]
Get a FREE Sample from Marci’s Book!
Dig deeper and get even more wit and wisdom from Marci by downloading a free sample of her book Empty Nest: Strategies to Help Your Kids Take Flight. Just click here or on the image below and tell me where to send your download link.
Links and Resources:
- Episode 5: How to Stop Your Worry Spiral of What ifs with Strategic Whatevers
- Episode 6: Bringing Depression into the Light
- Episodes 12: Discover Your Purpose Part 1
- Episode 13: Discover Your Purpose Part 2
- Compassion International
- Operation Mom
- Marci’s book, Empty Nest: Strategies to Help Your Kids Take Flight
Don’t forget…
- DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE GIFT! Get your free sample of excerpts from Marci’s book, Empty Nest: Strategies to Help Your Kids Take Flight by clicking here.
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