August 2, 2018
If you, or someone you know, is in a time of difficulty and feel like God is nowhere to be found, this episode offers you hope and encouragement you can be certain God has not left or forsaken you. My guest, Dr. Wayne Stiles, author of Waiting on God: What to Do When God Does Nothing, shares practical ways we can actively wait on God and reap the benefits of a changed life as we experience God’s faithfulness through our circumstances. I’ve even made you a FREE GIFT to help you wait well!
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- Why Wayne chose the story of Joseph (Genesis 37 – 50 ) to explore the different facets of waiting on God and the benefits and blessings we can experience when we wait well. [10:19]
- Discover the important distinction between God’s blessings to us and God’s love for us. If you tend to think God has withdrawn his love from you if He isn’t constantly raining blessing down on you, this key insight will dramatically improve your awareness of God’s steadfast love for and faithfulness to you! [11:44]
- Why we want to wait actively, rather than passively, when God has us in a time of waiting. Wayne shares some ideas for what we can do to wait actively on God and reap the benefit of a changed life on the other side of the experience. [14:08]
- Sometimes what seems like God’s apathy can really be God demonstrating mercy and provision. Wayne pointed out something in the story of Joseph I totally missed despite having studied this story many times. This insightful observation clearly demonstrates God’s wisdom in not giving us what we think we want in the moment of suffering. [16:46]
- The surprising decision Joseph made once he was released from prison. Discover what it reveals about what Joseph learned from waiting on God in the hard times. How do we know he learned this lesson? He applied it to his life in times of prosperity and ease. There’s a great lesson here for all of us to apply in our own times of blessing. [18:57]
- My “head-scratcher” question I posed to Wayne and his insightful answer about how we can know when we are supposed to act and when we are supposed to wait. His answer is REALLY GOOD! [20:00]
- What was the most important principle or lesson Wayne learned from his study of Joseph with regard to waiting on God? Listen and hear the encouraging answer. [24:34]
FREE GIFT: 7 Life-Changing Principles to Help You Wait
I’ve created a handy synopsis of the seven concepts I found most helpful in Wayne’s book, Waiting on God. This download will expand on what Wayne shared in the interview and give you an even better idea of the treasure trove of practical strategies and insightful encouragement you’ll find in the book. Click here to request a copy and I’ll send it to your inbox right away! No waiting required.
Links Mentioned in the Episode
Embark on an immersive, online journey through the sites of the Bible with Wayne as your personal tour guide. Visit WalkingTheBibleLands.com for more information.
And if you want to learn more about Wayne’s books and other resources, click here. When you purchase through this link, you can get an autographed copy of his books.
The FREE gift I’ve made you with my takeaways from Wayne’s book. Just click here or on the image below and I’ll email it to you right away.
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