If I focus on something I can’t change (for example, what someone else thinks about me), rather than what I can change, (what I think, feel, and do), I feel helpless and overwhelmed. String together a few days like that and hopelessness sets in as well.
On the other hand, when I focus my energy on the things I can impact, I feel empowered and hopeful. In this episode of the podcast I’ll share how you can choose whether you operate from a victim mindset or a survivor mindset. It all has to do with how you exercise stewardship of your God-given realm of responsibility.
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- I’m super excited about what is going on in the next few months. Find out what’s up. [0:30]
- Words matter. Discover why I’m a huge proponent of using the terminology of being a survivor rather than a victim. [3:55]
- Do you know what God has designed you to be in control of? You will after you listen to this. Keeping your focus within your realm of stewardship is the key to having more peace and making a more effective impact on your circle of influence. [9:00]
- You might think it’s weird that I chose the throat as the visual representation for our spiritual realm of stewardship. But I bet you’ll find the explanation fascinating. More info about the word nephesh is available from The Bible Project. If you are not familiar with The Bible Project you have GOT to check out their site. AMAZING! [9:29]
- Why assigning motives to other people’s actions is a recipe for pain and strife. [15:45]
want better relationships?
If the concepts I shared in this episode resonated with you, you’re going to love my soon to be released online course: Stay in Your Lane—Your roadmap to more confidence, smarter decisions, and more satisfying relationships.
If you struggle with this concept of staying in your own lane (or even knowing where your lane begins and where someone else’s lane ends), then this course will radically improve your life in so many areas.
This course is for you if you:
- struggle to get the word “no” out even when you really know you need to say it.
- feel used, taken advantage of or manipulated by friends, family members or coworkers
- you want to help family and friends but struggle to do so without becoming overwhelmed and dropping the ball with your own responsibilities
- second guess your decisions and fret over what you said (or didn’t say) in uncomfortable situations and confrontations
Spots in certain tiers of the course will be limited. So if you want to make sure you get to claim the spot you want, get on the early interest list so I can make sure you are the first to know all the details. You’ll also get first shot at reserving your seat in the online course.
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- CONNECT with me and your other SoulSpa Sisters. Slip into The Oasis (our private Facebook group) and engage with your SoulSpa Sisters in discussion, share ideas, and give/get some encouragement.