What we believe and consistently think will radically transform how we live. We will short-change ourselves and fail to live the abundant, effective lives God has created and empowered us to live if we let these three factors undermine the reality of who we are in Christ.
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- The three factors that trip us up and limit our effectiveness and enjoyment of life.
- If you don’t have the right possessions, position or approval of others, you just aren’t enough. WRONG! I’ll explain why the constant drip, drip, drip of the world’s way of thinking runs counter to your reality.
- What I used to think was make-believe nonsense but now recognize as a serious threat. But don’t worry, this threat pales in comparison to the power you have to defeat it.
- How you can replace those old scripts that run through your mind and leave you feeling unworthy, incompetent, and powerless to change. I’ve got a free download that will give you real truth to replace those lies.
- What you can use to counter these three factors so you can live out of who you actually are as a believer in Christ. (Not so sure about Jesus and want to explore what placing your faith in Him is all about? Just click here!)
Which Gift will you Select?
You are welcome to get both gifts. However, I recommend you get them one at a time. Select the one you MOST need first. Give yourself time to process that one and reap some results from it and then come back and get the other one.
If you struggle to believe who are then you’ll want to grab the “Who You Are in Christ” download. These Scripture meditations will steep your brain in the truth of your identity, security, qualities, characteristics, and more that are yours because you placed your faith in Christ. Click here (or the image below) to request your copy.
However, this next gift is for you if:
- you struggle with feeling a real and powerful connection with Christ, or
- you regularly engage in negative self-talk, or
- you have trouble relating authentically and vulnerably with others.
Any of that sound familiar? Then, you’ll want to select the 3-part mini course, Revitalize Your Relationships. In this free email course, I’ll help you get fresh perspective on these three relational areas of your life. Just click here or on the button on the image below to get started.
Don’t forget…
- SHARE the podcast with your friends and on your social media platforms. Share the link to this episode by email, social media posts, or good old fashioned word of mouth!
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- Leave a REVIEW and let others know what benefits you got from listening. Not sure how? Just click the blue text at the beginning of this paragraph to access a step-by-step illustrated tutorial.
- CONNECT with me and your other SoulSpa Sisters. Slip into The Oasis (our private Facebook group) and engage with your SoulSpa Sisters in discussion, share ideas, and give/get some encouragement.