Can you actively participate in the world without getting ensnared in the non-biblical messages? Listen to this episode to find out why I believe Scripture’s answer to that is a resounding “YES!” and the qualifier that goes along with that yes.
The culture we live in is saturated with many messages that offer the same alluring promise the serpent offered up to Adam and Eve in the Garden: you can be like God - you don’t need God when you can be your own god.
In the face of the potential danger of being ensnared by these viewpoints, many Christians opt for the “bubble-wrap” approach to life. But if we are tucked away in our Christians-only bubble, how are we to be salt and light to hurting people. Those people long for a real and lasting solution to the emptiness and brokenness they experience as an absolute reality. If we avoid them like the plague how can we share the fullness and healing we’ve found in Jesus?
How do you navigate being in the world and interacting with others who live life from a non-biblical vantage point? How do you enthusiastically engage with people who think differently from you, while protecting your own heart and mind—without whipping out the bubble-wrap? Find out how to guard your heart and mind from non-biblical worldviews in this episode!
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- Why you don’t want to keep yourself in a Christian bubble and why you need not fear interacting with people who hold different worldviews. [5:50]
- How to benefit from secular and non-Biblical resources without worrying about it negatively impacting your faith and connection with Christ. [6:00 and 7:45]
- The apostle Paul addressed this type of situation. Learn what he prayed for his friends who were a tiny minority of Christians in a very anti-Christian environment. [6:13 and 9:58 ]
The Temptation of Self-Sufficiency
- Why it’s so tempting to believe you can do life in your own strength. Why we don’t like depending on God to lead, empower, heal, and rescue us. Find out what you MUST do to avoid this age-old temptation to be your own god. [8:08 and 16:55]
- Some thoughts I had about the way Paul prayed for the believers he was discipling. [12:40]
- Being rooted and grounded in the love of God is a perfect place to start one’s journey as a follower of Christ. But it’s dangerous to stall out there. Discover why. [13:35]
Discerning Truth
- Discover how you can equip yourself to abound in knowledge and depth of insight so you can discern what is in line with God’s Word and what contradicts it. [15:18]
- What feels good in the moment may not be true and beneficial. Do you know how to discern if the theological ice you are putting your weight on can actually support you? Here’s how…[18:00]
- My go to method for saturating my mind with God’s Truth and how to get help if you don’t have an effective method of your own. [18:25]
Want Help Equipping Yourself to Guard Your Heart & Mind?
The Faith Stylist Experience Will Empower You to Leave the Bubble Behind and Confidently Engage in the World!
This coaching program is for you if:
- you’re feeling stalled out in your spiritual growth;
- what you’ve been doing to renew your mind with God’s truth just isn’t getting you the results you long for;
- you don’t have a clue where to start when it comes to putting together an effective and enjoyable faith-building “wardrobe” of practices and resources.
If any of those statements resonate, you need a “faith stylist.”
I can help you figure out what works for you and what doesn’t (and why). Imagine looking forward to opening your Bible, praying, and worshiping in ways that fit your learning style, time constraints, and lifestyle like a custom-made glove. When you’re own faith is strengthened you will be equipped to make the impact on the world God created you to make. Click here or the button below to get started.
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