Stop just going through the motions and trying to fill the emptiness of life with material things and/or the approval of others. Discover your purpose and live into your God-given calling!

When you know and live out your purpose you’ll:

  • experience true significance,
  • make a meaningful impact in the world around you,
  • feel passionately engaged in your daily life.

Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:

  • How our worldview impacts the way we define and approach discovering our purpose. [4:24]

Purpose vs Goal

  • The difference between a purpose and a goal.Get this wrong and you’ll exert a lot of effort, think your achieving something of significance, only to discover you’ve been traveling in the wrong direction. [7:14]

Why Know Your Purpose?

  • There are at least three compelling reasons for discovering and living out your purpose. Which one motivates you the most? [7:43]

Your Primary and Secondary Calling



This episode of the podcast is sponsored by my fun and effective customized coaching package, The Perfect-Fit Faith Stylist Experience.

A key aspect to fulfilling your God-designed purpose is nurturing a vibrant and intimate experience of God’s presence in your life. If you are you’re struggling to find studies, resources and practices that produce a meaningful connection with Him I can help.

Perhaps you used to enjoy your walk with Christ. However, you’re in a new season of life and what’s worked in the past no longer fits you. If you’re bored, disconnected, and dissatisfied with your spiritual growth and connection with the Lord, this is the empowering individualized coaching experience is for you! Click here to learn more or get started with a free consultation.


Quotes and Citations

Additional Resources

Scripture Passages

  • Here are a couple of Scripture passages to look at if you struggle with an attitude of arrogance:  Isaiah 6: 1-7 and 1 Corinthians 1:26-31. Read the Scriptures and look specifically at God’s character. Humility is likely to result.
  • I also mentioned the importance of focusing on God’s abilities and rather than your inability. The examples of Moses in the book of Exodus and Gideon in the book of Judges, chapters 6-8 come to mind. And as promised here is a link to one of my favorite verses: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 which highlights how God uses difficult life experiences to equip us to help others.

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  • Slip into The Oasis (our private Facebook group) and engage with your SoulSpa Sisters in discussion, share ideas, and give/get some encouragement. If you have questions related to the episode, jump in and leave a post in The Oasis. I will respond and you’ll also probably generate some great discussion with your SoulSpa Sisters. Love it when that happens! Click here to join the community.