Everyone fails at some point. How we respond to our failure determines our future. Discover 4 principles from Peter’s story of failure that will free you from the shame and defeat of failure.
Click here to get the Fail Forward cheat sheet. It will help you apply these principles in your own life so you can get back on track and pursue your calling with confidence and passion.
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- Four details in the story of Peter’s failure and Jesus restoration of Peter that are super important to help you gain hope for your own scenario. [8:54]
- What area of my own life has brought about repeated public failure and why I need to be regularly reminded of these 4 principles. [0:30]
- Failing once is bad enough, but to fail repeatedly in the same area is excruciating. The shame and self-reproach (and possibly the reproach of others) debilitate us from fulfilling our purpose if we stay stuck there. [3:36]
- The apostle Peter experienced blowing it. And like me, he didn’t just fail once, he repeated his blunder again and again. You can find the account of his epic fail in the following passages: John 13:33-38 (Peter vows to lay down his life for Jesus); 18:15-18, 25-27 (Peter denies knowing Jesus); 21 (Jesus restores Peter). [4:19]
- When we mess up, it is tempting to ignore it or run from it. Anything to spare us from owning up to it. But denial, rationalization, or blaming others only offers an illusory reprieve. [7:13]
- Having a relationship with Jesus changes our response to failure [8:38]
- “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”—Jesus (as recorded in 2 Corinthians 12:9, NIV) 12:14]
- Good advice from the author of Hebrews is found in chapter 12, versus 1 through 3. [12:51]
- When you experience the heartbreak of failure, see and respond to Jesus’ offer of reconciliation and restoration. Run to him and let his grace and love provide the safe space for you to come to terms with your failure and get back on track. [13:31]
Apply the 4 Principles and Move Forward!
This Cheat Sheet will Help.
When you’re ready to apply the four liberating principles covered in the podcast to your own situation, refer back to this handy cheat sheet. Want the Scripture references to the passages in John’s Gospel in which Peter’s story of failure and redemption are told? I’ve got you covered. You’ll find them listed right on the cheat sheet. Click here to get your copy.
Don’t want to try and figure it all out on your own? Or, maybe you tried but still feel stuck. No worries. I’ve got the solution. Work with me and I’ll coach you through the Fail Forward process! Click here to learn more about working with me.
SoulSpa Ah-ha moments:
- Everyone fails, but how we respond to our failure will determine our future. [3:57]
- Jesus didn’t abandon Peter despite the fact Peter abandoned Jesus. And Jesus didn’t abandon me either. And he won’t abandon you. [6:56]
- Tucked into the story of Peter’s failure and Jesus’ restorative response are four liberating principles we can apply to break out of the shame and debilitating defeat of our own failures. [10:37]
- Jesus is the way forward through our failures. He comes to us when we flounder in our failure and reminds us of the way to get back on track: our relationship with him. [10:52]
- Relationship leads to responsibility, but relationship doesn’t flow from how well we perform our responsibilities. [11:33]
- For every failure, Jesus provides us with the opportunity to repent—to turn things around and get back on track. [11:58]
- Whatever hardships come, and they will, the way through the hardship is to follow Jesus. [12:29]
Don’t forget…
- DOWNLOAD your free gift. Request the Fail Forward Cheat Sheet and apply these four principles to your situation so you can move forward out of the shame and defeat and into the passionate pursuit of your calling. Click here and tell me where to send your copy.
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