Amy Carroll, author of Breaking Up with Perfect and member of Proverbs 31 Ministries, shares how to be free of the exhausting perils of the perfectionism mindset once and for all. Get actionable tips to achieve glorious freedom from the constant pressure, stress, and fear of maintaining your “perfect” façade.
Get your free Root Out Perfectionism Reflection Guide to help you implement what you learn so you can rid yourself of the underlying cause of your perfectionistic tendencies. Click here to get your guide.
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- How I met Amy and why it is so special that she is my first guest on the podcast for this new ministry! [00:54]
- Why I decided to make perfectionism the first challenge we tackled in the podcast. [01:57]
- Why you might have a problem with perfectionism even though you aren’t the stereotypical neat-freak, Type A personality that has to have every aspect of your life flawless. (#TruthBomb: I struggle with perfectionism but you wouldn’t know it if you were judging me by my housekeeping skills.) [03:20]
- The two types of mindsets that lead to perfectionist problems.[06:45]
- And the typical root causes of our pursuit of perfection. [12:06]
- The question you should ask yourself after you read or study any portion of Scripture. [19:07]
- The antidote to perfectionism. (You’re going to breathe a huge sigh of relief when you realize how simple this step is to take.) [ 25:30]
- Important indicators that will alert you to when you cross the line from pursuing excellence to striving for perfection. [23:16]
SoulSpa Ah-ha moments:
- Surprise: living to to check off everything on the “Good Girl” List —OR— despairing of a painful or shame-filled past and living life from the “Never Good Enough” list both result in the same general coping mechanism. [08:53]
- The three areas that are often most impacted by our problems with perfectionism are also the three areas in what Jesus declared to be the greatest commandment. [17:54]
- The realization that God is holy and we are not is appropriate. Trying to solve the problem of our unholiness ourselves is not only not appropriate but this futile attempt is basically another definition of perfectionism.[12:38]
- “Relationships shatter when we value perfectionism over people.”—Amy Carroll [20:49]
- There is an amazing gift we can give to others with whom we are in relationship. And it will increase the happiness quotient in your relationships dramatically! [21:45]
- “Perfectionism kills your soul by drips.” —Amy Carroll [23:01]
- “Excellence is wanting to do your best. Perfectionism is wanting to be the best.” Can you see how this is a recipe for relational ruin?[23:32]
Links & Resources Mentioned:
You can connect with Amy Carroll through her Next Step Coaching Services website. And you can hear more from Amy via the Grit ‘n’ Grace: Good Girls Breaking Bad Rules podcast she co-hosts with Cheri Gregory. And of course, you can also enjoy the devotions she writes as part of the Proverbs 31 Ministries team and/or get more information about having Amy speak at your event or church.
Grab a copy of Amy’s book, Breaking Up with Perfect over on Amazon.com!
Don’t forget…
- DOWNLOAD your free gift. Request the “Root Out Perfectionism Reflection Guide” and discover what fuels your issues with this very common challenge for busy Christian women.
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