April 5, 2018
In this intro episode, I’ll help you get to know me and share my vision for the podcast. I’ll share who the podcast is for, what topics we’ll address, and the very important role YOU have in this process. Sound good? Then click play and slip in to the Agape SoulSpa. Meet you inside…
Discoveries Awaiting You in This Episode:
- My story in about 5 minutes (after you hear this, you’ll realize this is a safe, non-judgy space because chicks in glass houses best not throw stones.) 😉
- The behind-the-scences story of how I got the idea for creating the Agape SoulSpa. (hint: it involves a world-class spa in Maui, a less-than-sophisticated attempt at using the spa’s swiss jet shower, and a whisper from God while I sat on a lanai overlooking the Pacific Ocean.) Here’s a picture of exactly where I was when God whispered the idea into my heart:
Why not pin/share that image above and help other women find their way to Agape SoulSpa!
- Discover who I have in mind when I’m creating these podcast episodes. (Hint: If you’re more “I love Jesus but I cuss a little” than Dana Carvey’s “Isn’t that special” judgy church lady, you’re gonna like your fellow SoulSpa Sisters.)
More this

than this…

- Discover the important role I’m inviting you to play in this podcast. It’s fun and I think you’ll really enjoy it.
SoulSpa Ah-ha moments:
- When we let Him, God will use even our most painful experiences for our good and His glory.
- I came to the Bible (and Jesus) a cynic with a huge chip on my shoulder. His grace transformed me! And He will gladly do the same for you.
- We can go to church for years and still not “get it”. But when we have the light-bulb moment and truly understand and believe in what Jesus did on the cross, our whole world gets upside down in a very good way.
- Scripture addresses EVERYTHING and thus no situation or topic is beyond the reach of God’s truth and grace.
Don’t forget…
- SHARE the podcast with your friends and on your social media platforms. Share the link to this episode by email, social media posts, or good old fashioned word of mouth!
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- Leave a REVIEW and let others know what benefits you got from listening. Not sure how? Just click the blue text at the beginning of this paragraph to access a step-by-step illustrated tutorial.
- CONNECT with me and your other SoulSpa Sisters. Slip into The Oasis (our private Facebook group) and introduce yourself. Tell us what occupies the majority of your time/attention these days. Ask a question or make a suggestion about what you’d like to hear on the podcast. Share a struggle or challenge your going through and get some encouragement. Post a prayer request or praise! This is a safe space to engage, share, and grow.